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HR Related Tasks using ChatGPT and Claude

Job Description – Open up ChatGPT – has internet access as we want to read our website.

Write a job description for a Technical Leader for a digital marketing company. This person should have experience customizing CRMs. They should be able to create integrations between systems using Zapier. This is a lead role who will also be responsible for the webmaster and the web developers. Our company website is at Go to that URL to see what we do and learn about our culture. Our core values can be found at

Now, compare this to a prior job description for a similar role in the same conversation.

I found an old job description at . Take what you created above and make sure to include important details from the description at to develop a better more refined description

Great! We will use this one.

Let’s go to We can do this in ChatGPT, but as an exercise, try out Claude.

  1. Compare resumes to a candidate (
    1. Upload or paste into Claude the job description that came from ChatGPT
    2. Upload the resume for a candidate
    3. Hit enter – Claude figures you want to compare the two▪ Note: I havent actually read the resume. Claude can do that for me.
    4. ) Stay in the current conversation
  2. Create Interview Questions – I like them to be unique to the candidate. Requires prep work
    • Claude can help here.
    • Enter the prompt…

      I am conducting an interview of this candidate today. Based on your assessment, create interview
      questions appropriate to the job description and the candidates skills and gaps

  3. Assess the candidate (same Claude conversation)
      • During the interview, record the conversations. This can be Zoom, Teams or another product. It could
        even be on your phone.
      • Obtain the transcript of the interview you conducted. This is built into Teams and Zoom.
      • Attach the transcript to Claude in the existing conversation used to create the interview questions.
      • Enter the prompt

        Attached is a transcript of my interview with this candidate. Based on this interview and what you
        know about the job description assess whether this candidate is a good fit. Should we keep looking?

      • I can send this output to HR/Recruiting as feedback
      • But lets take is a step further.  Lets get to know the personality profile of this candidate.  Using public models such as DISC and Meyers-Briggs, we can evaluate this candidates personality.

        Attached is an interview with a candidate. Based on how the person communicates, what is their personality profile. Use Meyers Briggs and DISC as a framework for describing their personality

Performance Reviews – Lets go back to ChatGPT. ChatGPT supports up to 20 files.

  1. Upload 1 file – Find a performance review for a key employee.
  2. Enter the prompt

    Attached is a performance review for an employee. Please review this, identify classifications for the results and create an action plan for this person

  3. Review this, it is likely verbose.
  4. Enter the prompt

    Summarize this into a concise action plan with an overview of their performance

  5. We could define the categories and rework it into these “buckets”. This
    allows is to define how we measure people. For example enter the prompt.

    Create the action plan and address these categories: Organization, Recruitment, Interpretation, Technical Ability

  6. What about company core values. In this case the company core values are People, Service, and Innovation
  7. How does this person do in the area of People, Service and Innovation
  8. Upload more performance reviews (Max 20 files / 512MB for the conversation – batch it or combine many in to a
    single file) – do anassessment in aggregate.
  9. Now that you have many performance reviews, ideally in a consistent format, enter the prompt

    Attached are more performance reviews. What are the 5 common areas of performance that we need to address for all of these?

  10. Perhaps you want to see how the whole company is doing with the core Values. You can enter the prompt

    How are we doing in the area of People, Service and Innovation

  11. Expand on the Core Values, but let the AI determine how to categorize based on the content of the performance
    reviews. This way we define the top category, but AI infers subcategories based on the content of the reviews.
  12. Enter the prompt

    What are 3 subcategories for each of the 3 core value categories and how are we doing.

  13. Then take it a step further.

    Score us in aggregate using letter grades (A,B,C,D,F)

  14. You can even plot these on a graph. Claude does this really well.

    graph the grades for each person

Financial Analysis can be done by these tools. You can use Claude or ChatGPT, or if you are Microsoft Office 365 Copilot customer, you can use Copilot.

  1. Upload the P&L. Then enter the prompt…

    Attached is a P&L. How are we doing? What areas need improvement?

    1. You can do this with follow up questions as well…treat it like an intern with a masters in Accounting

      How did we do in the most recent month?

  1. Balance Sheet
    1. Upload a PDF of your Balance sheet
    2. Enter the prompt

      Attached is a balance sheet. How are we doing? Are there any concerns?

  2. Overall Assessment
    1. Now that you have had 2 things evaluated, these are in “memory” (AKA The Context Window). You can further
      question it with more prompts. Your financials intern is there to help you.

      Based on this P&L and Balance sheet what goals should we set for the next period to ensure we have a healthy business


Link to an overview of the Digital Marketing Flow – This is how digital marketing fits together.

Lets develop a brandscript – link to the video on brandscript –

How to hold your SEO Vendor accountable.

  1. Go to Google Analytics and run a report for the period in question. I suggest running it for the period the
    current vendor or team member is doing SEO. If that exceeds a year, just do a yearly report.
  2. Now, you have an SEO intern doing analysis for you. With that in mind, Upload the report into Claude or ChatGPT
    and enter the prompt…

    We hired an SEO company in January. How are they doing? Attached is the year to date report

    a. Next, get it to drill down to the real question with …

    Should I continue to use this company for SEO? What should I tell them they need to improve?

  3. Have a conversation until you are satisfied with the course of action.

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