
8 Tips to Launch a Successful Pay-Per-Click Campaign

December 20, 2017

PPC stands for pay-per-click and is a type of digital marketing where marketers pay every time someone clicks their ad.

PPC allows marketers to pay for visitors to come to their site, in return for strategic and timely ad placement that will ensure it winds up in front of the right consumers.

So, how do I get started? Here are eight helpful tips.

1. Define Your Goals

What do you want to achieve with your PPC campaign? Increase sales, subscribers, brand awareness?

Defining your purpose will drive your efforts in the right direction and inform how you build your campaign.

2. Set a Budget

Your budget will influence the parameters of your ad, including how many site visitors your ad may attract depending on th e price-per-click.

3. Select Keywords

Keywords should be reflective of how you want to promote your brand, including what your service is, how you solve a problem, who you serve, etc.

Consider what similar brands are using as keywords in your industry.

4. Bid on Keywords

Once you’ve selected your ideal keywords, start bidding online.

Avoid bidding wars. PPC marketing allows advertisers to set market prices for keywords based on their bids. So if you want to obtain a #1 position for your target keyword, you just have to bid 0.01 cent higher than the current highest bidder.

Advertisers may attempt to knock each other out by constantly raising their bids. When this occurs, it can quickly eat through your earnings, so much so that it prevents you from turning a profit.

5. Set Up Your Campaign

Include the keyword on which you are bidding in your ad copy. Google will automatically bold searched keywords that are found in ad copy, making them more visible to users.

When users can spot your ad more easily, it usually results in more sales/conversions.

If you are going to bid on multiple keywords (hint: you should), create separate campaigns with custom ad copies, so they contain the targeted keyword.

6. Conduct Split Testing

Running two or more ad variations simultaneously will boost your return on investment (ROI).

PPC (pay-per-click) advertisers should try to get into the habit of creating multiple ad variations, allowing all of them to run for at least a full week.

After the trial period, keep the top performer and replace the under-performing ad with a new one. Split testing is a continuous cycle.

7. Create a Landing Page

Rather than sending users from your PPC ad directly to your website, create an intermediary landing page.

Your landing page should have the sole focus of converting as many visitors into paying customers as possible. A landing page has an edge over normal websites because it is more simplified and has a prominent call-to-action (CTA.)

Visitors are more likely to take action when the CTA is clear and simple.

8. Monitor Performance

PPC marketing isn’t something that you can simply set and forget. It requires constant monitoring and adjusting to remain profitable.

Monitor metrics like CTR, conversions, and Quality Score and give your ad some time to take effect. Don’t panic if you don’t notice immediate results.

Optimize and adjust your campaign, when necessary.

Did we miss anything? Let us know how you use PPC marketing and your expert tips and then contact us.


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8 Tips to Launch a Successful Pay-Per-Click Campaign
Have you been wondering how to get started with Pay-Per-Click campaigns? Here are 8 tips to launch a successful Pay-Per-Click Campaign.

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