Say Goodbye to Siloed Systems

The importance of CRM integration with your marketing automation software can’t be understated. When systems aren’t linked, businesses face challenges such as fragmented customer engagement and inefficient processes. The absence of system integration can also hinder workflows and collaboration and restrict the potential for business growth and optimization.

Unfortunately, we see this a lot. Most often, it’s attributed to factors such as a lack of technical know-how, compatibility issues, cost considerations, resistance to change, or departmental silos. It’s time to end all that!

We help businesses overcome these challenges and achieve seamless CRM system integrations.

Ready to Connect Your Systems ?

What is CRM Integration?

CRM integration refers to the process of connecting a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system with other software or applications to facilitate data exchange and streamline business operations. It enables a seamless flow of information between different tools and platforms, enhancing customer management and overall efficiency.  It allows for:

team member

Real-Time Data

Ensure your sales and marketing teams have access to the most up-to-date customer information to eliminate data silos and improve workplace collaboration.

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Customer Journeys

Create personalized customer journeys based on their behavior, interactions, and preferences. This enables you to deliver targeted and relevant content at every stage of the buyer’s journey, increasing engagement and conversions.

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Closed Deals

Automatically capture leads from various channels, nurture them with personalized content, and track their interactions. This helps your sales team prioritize leads, follow up at the right time, and close deals faster.

CRM Integration: Transforming Customer Relationships

Welcome to the C1M CRM Integration practice, where advanced technologies revolutionize how you connect with your customers. Our CRM Integration services are designed to streamline your operations, enhance customer interactions, and boost your bottom line.


Real-Time Data Synchronization

We proudly leverage AI-powered tools to complement human expertise. With over two decades of experience, we have pioneered innovative and supportive marketing technologies that empower small businesses to achieve measurable results and long-term success.

Personalized Customer Journeys

Create personalized customer journeys based on their behavior, interactions, and preferences. This enables you to deliver targeted and relevant content at every stage of the buyer’s journey, increasing engagement and conversions.

More Closed Deals

Automatically capture leads from various channels, nurture them with personalized content, and track their interactions. This helps your sales team prioritize leads, follow up at the right time, and close deals faster.

Real-Time Data Synchronization

We proudly leverage AI-powered tools to complement human expertise. With over two decades of experience, we have pioneered innovative and supportive marketing technologies that empower small businesses to achieve measurable results and long-term success.

Personalized Customer Journeys

Create personalized customer journeys based on their behavior, interactions, and preferences. This enables you to deliver targeted and relevant content at every stage of the buyer’s journey, increasing engagement and conversions.

More Closed Deals

Automatically capture leads from various channels, nurture them with personalized content, and track their interactions. This helps your sales team prioritize leads, follow up at the right time, and close deals faster.

Why Trust Your CRM Integration to C1M?

We have been providing CRM integration services to organizations through Zapier for well over a decade. Our team of experts has successfully integrated hundreds of CRM systems with Salesforce, HubSpot, and Keap (InfusionSoft) marketing automation platforms. We understand the intricacies of these systems and can tailor the integration to your specific business needs.

Discover the Power of Zapier

Watch our video to see all the ways Zapier can help your business grow.

As a Zapier partner, C1M offers seamless CRM integration solutions that empower organizations to streamline workflows, improve efficiencies, and unlock new possibilities for lead nurturing.

The result?

More closed business!


Schedule Your
Free Consultation

Schedule a consultation with our CRM integration experts. We will discuss your specific business needs, current systems, and integration goals. This consultation will help us understand your requirements in detail and provide you with a tailored solution.


Once we have a clear understanding of your requirements, our team will develop a comprehensive integration plan. We will identify the necessary steps, data mapping requirements, and any customizations needed to ensure a smooth integration process.

+ Support

After the integration plan is finalized, our team will execute the integration process and test to ensure data accuracy and functionality. Additionally, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to address any issues or updates that may arise.

Level-Up with Integrated CRM and Lead Nurturing Services

Supercharge your CRM Integration with our expert Lead Nurturing service. Maximize customer relationships, drive personalized engagements, and boost conversion rates.