
Are You Creating the Best Content for Facebook Engagement?

Facebook engagement
February 6, 2017

As the world’s most popular social media platform, Facebook is an incredible tool and resources for connecting and engaging with your audience.

However, if you’re still not convinced of its reach and magnitude, check out a few of their most astounding facts:

  • There are 1.71 billion monthly users, worldwide.
  • Every second, six new profiles are created.
  • 72% of US adults use Facebook at least once a month.
  • 38.6% of the world’s population uses Facebook.

The numbers say it all!

According to social media expert, Amy Porterfield, you can make the most of your online presence and generate greater engagement with your audience, clients and prospects, by creating content across these nine themes.

1. Recipes

Recipes perform well on Facebook because they contain helpful, shareable information and usually contain real photos, rather than your average, run-of-the-mill stock image.

2. Lists

Lists are perfect for users who crave a quick read, without sacrificing on content.

Many users peruse Facebook during short periods of downtime and thus don’t want to commit to longer pieces or articles.


If a user relates to a quote, whether from a favorite athlete, actor or public figure, they’re more likely to share, which, in turn, can generate greater traffic to your site!

4. Freebies

When you think of giving away a “freebie,” it doesn’t have to be an expensive or even tangible item.

Consider giving away a free eBook, coupon, graphic or another form of digital contentthe key is to offer something which your user perceives as valuable AND shareable.

5. Feedback

Humans have a natural instinct to answer questions– we can’t help it!

Posting a question will peak your audience’s interest, not only to contribute their own two cents but also to see what others are saying.

Consider giving away a freebie for the user who gives the most creative answer.

6. Emotion-evoking

Appeal to your audience’s pathos; emotion-evoking posts could go hand-in-hand with a quote or prompt for feedback.

Just be prepared for some potentially turbulent replies!

7. Teaser

Rather than giving away the meat of your content with a single headline, peak user interest by posting a teaser, such as “Are You Creating The Best Content for Facebook Engagement?”

Teaser headlines are highly effective for generating more “clicks and ultimately intriguing and delighting your audience.

8. Personal

Users appreciate when you add a personal touch– it reminds them you are human, just like them.

You don’t need to spill your heart online, to connect with your audience, but simply sharing a tidbit about yourself, unrelated to your brand or business can be enough to inspire a “like” or share.

9. Hashtags

While hashtags are still not as popular on Facebook, like Twitter or Instagram, they’ve definitely been on the rise.

Search for trending hashtags, which relate to your business or brand and incorporate them in your posts, for greater traffic and engagement.

Let’s Hear From You!

What is your favorite type of content to see? How about to post on your page?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below– and then contact us to learn more about social media marketing from from Contentfirst.Marketing!

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Article Name
Are You Creating the Best Content for Facebook Engagement?
Make the most of your online presence and generate greater engagement on Facebook, by creating content across these nine themes.

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