
Digital Storytelling – The Best Way to Reach Your Audience

young women who are influencers are working on their digital storytelling
February 18, 2022

There are so many companies that are striving to gain a consumer’s attention, and standing out as a brand in today’s world proves to be extremely challenging. A business must put more effort into its marketing with digital storytelling in order to set itself apart. Consumer behavior is changing, and people are more selective of brands they choose to purchase. The goal of using digital storytelling is for a customer to grow familiar with your brand so that they can recognize it easily.  

Brand Identity is Only the Beginning   

The best way to start is to incorporate digital storytelling into your marketing strategy so that you can clearly establish your brand. What is the original story? What sets you apart from competitors in your industry? For a customer to follow your story, be sure you can articulate it properly. If your business was a person, your brand identity would be its personality.  

The next step is to work on your brand image now that your identity has been defined. Things to consider for the brand image are color schemes, fonts, and overall aesthetic. Is your brand girly, professional, or retro? You must create one theme to use imaging in all elements of your business, from packaging to website design, regardless of aesthetics.  

Focus on Your Audience  

Understanding who your audience is also an important aspect of effective storytelling.  Determining who your target consumer is will allow you to adapt your narrative even further so that you are speaking directly to them.

Here are a few factors to determine who your audience is: 

  • Age  
  • Shopping habits  
  • Interests 
  • Location 

The Importance of Website Design  

Website design is critical to digital storytelling because it is the first impression your customers get after entering your URL. If your website needs a re-vamp, consider reaching out to us, so we can assist you with website design ideas that work best for your brand. Copy is an important aspect of any website because it is the main factor that influences your website’s search engine ranking.  SEO is an integral aspect of a webpage and functions based off specific keywords relative to your industry. You can use online platforms to obtain SEO services, or you can work with us to include SEO as part of your marketing strategy. 

Always Include Social Media 

Modern businesses heavily rely on social media marketing to serve as an extension of the website. Your social media presence, like your website, should have a consistent image and personality across all platforms.  It’s good practice to establish a posting schedule to ensure that you are keeping up with content and continuously engaging with followers. Responding to comments and direct messages is an easy way to communicate one-on-one with potential customers and boost your reputation.  

User-Generated Content

We’ve all heard the saying that “actions speak louder than words,” and in marketing, showing is preferred to telling. User-generated content (UGC) is one of the best ways for consumers to learn more about your brand. Photos, videos, and reviews are all forms of UGC that work great at increasing brand awareness. You can encourage UGC by creating contests that require a photo or video entry or by re-sharing content customers tag you in.  

Engage Your Audience with Digital Storytelling 

C1M has worked with multiple businesses to create a digital storytelling plan and can help your business too.

Discover how to captivate and connect with your audience. 

Reach out to us for more information and we will come up with a customized marketing strategy that fits your brand.  

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