
Blogger, Copywriter, Journalist: Here’s What You Need to Know

Blogger, Copywriter, Journalis
June 16, 2021

Blogger, copywriter, journalist, do you know the difference?

Technology has made it easier than ever for big or small businesses to connect with their global audiences. And in a world driven by information and content, having a good writer is imperative to connect with your target audience. This is done through platforms such as blogs, websites, or social media posts.

As a business looking to communicate with your customers, you might have come across the terms blogger, copywriter, or journalist.  You may think you need all of these (and maybe you do!) However, how do you know which type of writer you need and why? In this post, we discuss each of the roles of a blogger, copywriter, and journalist and how to choose the right writer for your business.


What Is a Blogger?

A blog post writer or blogger writes engaging content, whether it’s 500 or 5,000 words. Bloggers use websites or web pages to write about a subject they are either passionate or knowledgeable about in the most engaging way possible.

Most bloggers are jacks of all trades. Apart from being skilled writers, they also understand how search engine optimization (SEO) works. They may also know the basics of online marketing, how to create and maintain websites, and do basic web design.


What Are the Benefits of a Blog?

Unlike some social media platforms, blogs (as long as they are hosted) are available forever to millions of potential readers out there. In addition, blogs are better long-term as they can be picked up by search engines whenever they match the keyword searches.

Professional bloggers work with diverse clients across different industries. Hence they understand blogging and can produce quality content. In addition, the blogger will help promote your business with topics that will interest your customers and are search engine friendly.


Why Should You Hire a Blogger?

Hiring a blogger to do what they do best frees up your time to focus on key activities that grow your business. With proper guidance, they will create and publish content on your website that meets your expectations, draws in website visitors, and drives sales.


What Is a Copywriter

A copywriter is someone who writes copy to persuade the reader to take action, whether it’s as simple as opening an email or buying a product. The copy they write can be used for:

  • Email campaigns
  • Advertisements
  • Promotional flyers
  • Publicity material
  • Website landing pages
  • Product descriptions


What Are the Benefits of a Copywriter

A copywriter creatively puts together words designed to persuade the reader and prompt action from your target audience through an obvious call to action or a series of subtle pushes in the right direction.


Why Should You Hire a Copywriter?

Hiring a professional copywriter can be expensive to bring them into a full-time role. However, if you hire a freelance copywriter, you can bring them in on projects as and when required.

A copywriter helps your brand communication remain consistent with a clear style of brand voice. A copywriter’s skills will get you results and generate sales. They are trained to use words effectively to persuade action from your readers, turning them into customers. A positive return on investment makes hiring a pro copywriter a no-brainer.


What Is a Journalist?

A journalist writes articles for newspapers, white papers, television, the internet, or radio that aim to present facts to a specific audience. In addition, a journalist writes articles that are interesting, informative, and entertaining.


What Are the Benefits of a Journalist?

They are quick studies, critical thinkers, and great multitaskers.


Why Should You Hire a Journalist?

Journalist roles include researching for articles, press releases, writing, editing, and submitting copy. A journalist is a perfect hire if you want to create and share engaging content using a strong headline to capture people’s attention.


Blogger, Copywriter, Journalist: Who Should You Pick?

Bloggers, copywriters, and journalists are writers who can help your business grow from one stage to the next. As seen above, each plays a significant role in generating sales for your business and increasing brand awareness.

But how do you know which one to hire?


Identify Your Goals

This is the first stage to help you figure out which writer will best help fulfill your business needs. Knowing the end goal will form a basis of a need assessment to help you choose the right writer.


Content Marketing Strategy

Having a  content strategy is essential to guide you to your business goal. One tool that has helped many businesses identify and put forward strategies to bring results is a brandscript.

This is a tool that helps clarify your message in simple language. This document will guide any writer that you choose to adhere to your brand voice, tone, and business goals. Your company could write this, or you could hire a freelance writer to do it for you.

Whether you are after a writer to create blogs, email campaigns, or a press release ultimately, whichever writer you choose will reflect heavily on your brand and business as a whole. Ask for writing samples before hiring a writer, so you get a sense of their style and level of writing. This will help you determine if they are the right fit for your business.


We Can Help with Your Content Marketing

All digital content created for your audience to engage with gives them a chance to build a relationship with your brand. Hence choosing the right blogger, copywriter, or journalist could be a challenge for a business. This is why many businesses have opted to outsource their writing services to ensure good quality content.

Here at Content First Marketing, we have a group of professional writers with years of experience to communicate your brand goals. As a digital marketing agency, we understand the importance of good content and its benefits in digital marketing.

Schedule a free business review here to find out how we help businesses grow. Then, you can use these insights for inspiration, and let us do the marketing for you!

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