
Top Free and Paid Ways To Promote Your Website

Top Free and Paid Ways To Promote Your Website
July 3, 2015

Still struggling to generate traffic to your website? Whether your site sells a products or service, produces leads, or generates email signups, you’ll need traffic to succeed. Without people viewing your site, you won’t be generating many conversions. Thankfully, there are dozens of different ways to promote a website, some of which are free whereas others are paid.

Top Free Ways To Promote Your Website

  • Guest blogging — it may lack the SEO value that it once had, but guest blogging remains a time-tested and proven technique for generating traffic. It involves creating and submitting posts to other blogs in exchange for a link. At the bottom of your post (or in the ‘about the author’ box), you can include a link to your site, funneling the blog’s readers to your properties.
  • Directory submissions — many webmasters overlook the value of directory submissions, assuming it has little-to-no benefit. Granted, many directories out there are full of spam and low-quality sites, but there are still decent directories that can be used to drive traffic to your website. DMOZ is one such directory that’s been around for over a decade, focusing strictly on high-quality submissions.
  • Facebook — we can’t talk about no-cost ways to promote a website without mentioning Facebook. This social media network is so popular, in fact, that it once trumped Google in terms of traffic. While Google has regained its throne, Facebook remains a powerful and free way to promote a website.
  • Search engine optimization — also known simply as “SEO,” search engine optimization refers to the process of optimizing a website so it ranks higher in the search engines. Conventional wisdom should lead you to believe that higher search rankings yield more traffic.

Top Paid Ways To Promote Your Website

  • Pay-per-click — let’s first talk about the single most powerful, paid form of website promotion: PPC. As the name suggests, this format of advertising is unique in the sense that advertisers are only charged when someone clicks on their ad. Assuming your earnings-per-click (EPC) is greater than your cost-per-click (CPC), you will have a profitable campaign.
  •  Cost-per-impression — not to be confused with PPC, cost-per-impression (CPM) involves displaying ads while being charged for each 1,000 impressions. In other words, you are charged a flat fee for each 1,000 views your ad receives. It lack the level of depth of PPC, but CPM remains an effective form of online advertising.
  • Banner buys –– of course, another paid way to promote your website is to purchase banner space on other websites and properties. The trick to achieving a profitable banner buy is to focus on websites that are relevant to your target demographic. If you operate a pet supplies website, for instance, you should purchase banner space on other pet-related websites. This will create a stronger connection with visitors, and it should increase your conversion rates in the process.

Which methods do you use to promote your website? Let us know in the comments section below! Or contact us now.

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Top Free and Paid Ways To Promote Your Website
You can have great content and an attractive website, but if visitors aren't finding your site, you may need to promote it. Read on for some free and paid ways to generate more traffic to your site.

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