
C1M and the Use of AI for Content Generation

artificial intelligence content marketing
April 13, 2023

Content creation is an essential aspect of modern marketing and digital marketing companies are seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead of the curve. Enter a new era in which AI technology not only mimics human intelligence but is also surpassing it in certain areas.

Currently, we are seeing a realm of AI-powered content creation and companies are exploring how cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the way marketers produce engaging, impactful, and personalized content. This document serves as a guide, providing valuable insights into the methods and best practices for utilizing AI content creation. Although there are many of AI content creation tools, for this article we will focus on the workflow within Jasper.

Let’s dive into a journey though the endless possibilities of the potential that AI brings to the world of content creation.

Using AI for Writing and Content Creation  

Editors should begin creating blog content using AI rather than assigning the task to a blog writer. The purpose for this is two-fold. One is to control costs. Two, control the quality of content.  

  • AI content should not exceed 40% of any one blog.  
  • AI content should supplement the personalized content for the client. It is the Editor’s role to create content that fits the BrandScript-specified voice, tone, and language of a client.  
  • The Editor will personalize the content with Calls to Action (CTA), Outgoing links, and any Keywords 
  • The Editor will generate the proper H2 subheadings. 
  • If SEO content is being created, the Editor should use the SEO Mode within Jasper to ensure that all metrics are being reached for proper SEO ranking. 
  • Once an article is completed by the Editor, they may elect to test the content using an AI and plagiarism checker to ensure the content is unique. These tools include and [Please note the Content at Scale AI detector is not 100% perfect. I entered text that was generated by AI and was told it was 100% real. So, yeah, these tools are a work in progress themselves.] 

AI tools

The Jasper Workflow 

In Jasper, there are multiple methods to create content. There are Templates for Blog Post Topic Ideas, Blog Post Outlines, Blog Post Intro Paragraph, Blog Post Concluding Paragraph, and, for the more adventuresome, you can create content using Commands and Recipes. There is even a Template for creating Listicles.  

One very effective tool is the Paragraph Generator. This is a simple-to-use and guide tool, that creates one paragraph at a time based on the information you fill into the prompt dialogs boxes. The prompts include: What is your paragraph about? What are the keywords to include? And, What is the tone of voice to be used? As the Editor, you can preselect how many individual paragraph options you wish Jasper to create. The more outputs you select the more likely Jasper will begin producing redundant content. I have found that an output level of three to five is best.  

Using this tool allows for very tight control of the output and keeps Jasper in check before it rambles on for multiple paragraphs and topics.  

Let’s explore an example of how you can use this tool. In this example, I wanted to write a blog on the topic of creating the perfect hamburger. I used the following prompt inputs below.  

  • What is your paragraph about? Write an introductory paragraph about making the perfect hamburger. 
  • Keywords to include: hamburger, healthy 
  • Tone of voice: informative, fun 

I set the number of outputs to three and set jasper in motion. Here are the unedited results. It is important to note that AI tools do create spelling and grammar errors which is another reason that all content must be reviewed and polished by an Editor. Cooking hamburgers is one of the best things about summertime: a sizzling hamburger patty on the grill, blankets of melty cheese, the endless options for toppings! Making hamburgers is definitely an artform – and if you want to impress your friends with your cooking skills, we’re here to help. To get started, pick your patty – beef, turkey, veggie? Next, slice up all those delicious toppings – tomatoes, onions, pickles – and don’t forget about the condiments! Finally fire up that grill for the ultimate hamburger experience. With these tips, you’ll be able to create a tasty hamburger every time and cook up memories that won’t soon be forgotten. What could be more delicious and satisfying than the perfect hamburger? For those looking to make a healthy hamburger, adding some fresh vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and onions can really take your hamburger to new heights! To add even more flavorful and freshness to the hamburger, try adding herbs like basil or oregano. After piling on all of your favorite toppings, you should consider condiments such as mayonnaise and ketchup – don’t forget the mustard! And for an extra kick, get creative and try dipping sauces like sriracha or blue cheese. Last but certainly not least, every great hamburger needs a tasty drink to accompany it – why not try a cold glass of beer or an ice-cold soda. Taking all these finishing touches into consideration will guarantee a hamburger that is full of lasting flavor. Crafting the perfect hamburger is all about striking the right balance between savory, crunchy, and juicy. Quality ingredients like freshly ground beef and whole wheat buns are essential for a hamburger that will really hit the spot. To take it to the next level, don’t be afraid to experiment with healthy add-ons like spinach leaves, mushrooms and lowfat cheese slices. Once you’ve got the patty grilled to perfection and loaded on a bun, top it off with classic hamburger accompaniments like tomatoes, lettuce and onions. For a touch of sweetness, try adding pickles or grilled pineapple slices! And don’t forget the most important finishing touch –pick up an ice cold drink of your choice to wash down that hamburger in style!


Not bad, but in some cases, Jasper got ahead of itself and went into details I did not want in the introductory paragraph. The good news is it prompted me to know what follow-up questions to enter for the body of the blog.  

This post was used for the C1M client Bridge Bay Houseboats. As part of the marina, they have a restaurant that offers spectacular burgers. Many of Bridge Bay’s customers want to cook for themselves either on the beach or on the lake in their houseboat. Since I want the reader to have the option, I edited the text above into the following opening paragraphs before the first H2 Heading. The bold text is a Link to The CookHouse webpage. 

Cooking hamburgers is one of the best things about summertime. You can just imagine the smell of a sizzling hamburger patty on the grill, blankets of melty cheese, a toasted bun, and endless options for toppings! Making perfect hamburgers is an art form.  

We like to think we make some of the best burgers around at The CookHouse. There’s our signature Cookhouse Burger made with Angus beef, bacon, American cheese, lettuce, tomato, and garlic aioli on a toasted brioche bun, served with French fries. Or you might like the Triple Bourbon Burger. This Angus beef patty is covered in American cheese, bacon, bourbon BBQ sauce, and crispy onion straws served with French fries. Finally, we offer the El Diablo Burger for those who like it spicy. This bad boy includes melted habanero jack cheese, roasted jalapenos, fire-roasted bell peppers, garlic aioli, and onion straws on a toasted brioche bun. Of course, it is served with fries.  

You can substitute a veggie patty of chicken breast for any of these delicious burgers. 

Self-promotion aside, part of summer and camping fun is grilling your own burger. We have some tips on how you too can make a burger almost as delicious as what The CookHouse offers. Almost.  


Based on the text generated by Jasper, I developed an outline for the body of the post and created the following H2 Headings, You’ve Got the Meat, Bring the Heat, Top That, and Check Out Those Buns. Note, this post follows only basic SEO and did not require a keyword to be in the H2 Headings for optimum ranking. I was able to get more creative in my headings. If your client is full SEO, you will need to make sure your keyword is strategically placed in the H2.  

I prompted Jasper to write a paragraph about each H2 Heading topic, such as “write about how to prepare meat for a hamburger,” “write about the best method for cooking a hamburger,” “write about the toppings and condiments to use on a hamburger,” and “write about the various buns to use for a hamburger.”  

In each case, I requested three paragraphs to be created and I read and edited the best content from the three, forming my own new paragraph. As I edited the text, I added my thoughts and personalized the text to best fit the voice that I knew the client preferred. This created unique content that did not register as AI-generated when I tested it.  

Here is one more example of the Jasper content and the final edited content. Errors left on purpose. 

Making a hamburger that is truly perfect involves more than just slapping some beef and cheese between two pieces of bread. It’s important to pay attention to details such as the temperature of the cooking surface, the size and shape of the hamburger patty, and most importantly, the cooking time. Begin by heating your skillet to medium-high heat and adding your hamburgers. Let them cook for around 3-4 minutes before flipping them over. Once flipped, add any additional toppings like cheese slices or bacon and continue to cook for 1-3 minutes until your hamburger is cooked through. This method produces burgers with a juicy interior, lightly seared exterior, and healthy flavour. To make it even healthier you could use lean beef or substitute in other proteins like vegetarian options or turkey mince! Making the perfect hamburger is an art form. To start, you need to pay close attention to temperature – both the griddle and the hamburger meat itself. Preheat your griddle to 375 degrees and use a thermometer to check that your hamburger patties have reached a safe internal temperature of 160 degrees before they’re ready. When it’s time to cook, be sure not to overcrowd your hamburgers or press them down, as this will dry out their juices. As for cooking time, about 4 minutes per side should do it; depending on what type of hamburger you’re making and how thick you’ve made them. Lastly, don’t forget to keep it healthy! Choose whole-grain buns over white ones, top with sliced tomatoes and lettuce instead of condiments like ketchup and mayonnaise, and opt for leaner cuts of hamburger meat for a delicious and nutritious result. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to make hamburgers that will please even the most discerning connoisseur!

Bring the Heat 

Making a hamburger that is truly perfect involves more than just slapping some beef and cheese between two pieces of bread. It’s important to pay attention to details such as the temperature of the cooking surface, the size and shape of the hamburger patty, and most importantly, the cooking time.  

Begin by heating your grill or skillet to medium-high heat before adding your hamburgers. Let them cook for around 3-4 minutes before flipping them over. Once flipped, add any additional toppings like cheese slices or bacon and continue to cook for 1-3 minutes until your hamburger is cooked through. This method produces burgers with a juicy interior, lightly seared exterior, and healthy flavor.  

Never, and we mean never, press down on the patty when cooking. All you do is press out the fat and juices, resulting in a dry finished product. Also, be sure not to overcrowd your hamburgers. Use a thermometer to check that your hamburger patties have reached a safe internal temperature of 165 degrees before they’re ready. Of course, you’ll want to ask how everyone likes their burger from rare to burnt, so plan ahead.  

Finally, to complete the post I added one last H2 Heading and wrote original text with a direct CTA that we use for the client. I also added links specific to the client. The result was a blog post almost good enough to eat. Okay, maybe all this talk about hamburgers has made me hungry. You get the idea. 

The End Result with AI Tools and Content Creation 

The final blog was 850 words including H2 Headings. When processed through the AI detector it came back as 82% real. The time it took to write this blog from scratch was approximately 30 minutes, less time than it would take me to edit anything submitted by a writer, not including the time it would take me to assign and have a writer complete the task.  

The cost and time savings of using AI tools for content creation is substantial. But as wonderful as this tool is there are several key factors to consider. 

  1. Be mindful of your client’s voice.  
  2. Personalize the content to the client. We are not using AI to create generic content.  
  3. AI may give you ideas for further development. Adhere to your original concept but be open to new directions where the content may lead you. 
  4. Create multiple paragraph options using AI and edit the best sentences together into a unique post.  
  5. Enhance the AI-generated content with personalized, original text.  

What is Prompt Engineering?

To effectively use AI tools an Editor must be skilled in how she prompts the tool. The text inputs are all the AI has to go on to create text. It is truly a fulfillment of the old adage, “garbage in, garbage out.”  

As Editors, it is important that we learn how best to guide and instruct the AI so that it can produce the best results for us—no different than how we prompt a human writer when we set an assignment. The importance of prompts is becoming so essential for success that there are now courses and, one would soon imagine, degrees in the craft of writing prompts. 

While the initial prompt may produce good results, it is through a Chain of Thought Prompts that truly excellent results can be produced.  

Here is a list of items from the Towards AI course on the topic of Prompting for Large Language Models which can present several challenges, such as: 

  • Achieving the desired results on the first try. 
  • Finding an appropriate starting point for a prompt. 
  • Ensuring output has minimal biases. 
  • Controlling the level of creativity or novelty of the result. 
  • Understanding and evaluating the reasoning behind the generated responses. 
  • Wrong interpretation of the intended meaning of the prompt. 
  • Lack of the right balance between providing enough information in the prompt to guide the model and allowing room for novel or creative responses. 

It is beyond the scope of this article to teach all the nuances of proper prompt engineering. Only through study and experimentation, will an Editor become proficient in writing effective prompts and thus the use of AI content-generating tools in a manner that is truly productive.  

Often, the text created by the AI tool will cause the Editor to realize new directions, or focus the direction the content should go in. It is at this juncture that the Editor must modify and update the prompts to steer the AI properly. It is this refinement of prompts that produces the best results in AI-generated content. 


prompt engineering

The Use of AI to Write ARs 

Jasper can be used to create content for many elements of digital marketing including the text for emails. The tool is called Personalized Cold Emails. It is an effective tool for starting an email campaign but as with blogs, requires an Editor’s touch to finalize and make it ready for client approval.  

The prompts include Tell us about your product, Your Company/Product Name, Context to include in the email, and Tone of voice. As with the Paragraph Generator, you have the choice of setting the number of outputs. This aspect becomes even more important for emails since a campaign is always three to five emails long, so the various outputs may be useful for creating the entire campaign with editing.  

The AI does write text such as, “If you’re interested in attending, please sign up using the link below,” but, obviously, the Editor will need to include the actual link. AI isn’t that sophisticated yet. 

Also missing from these AI-generated outputs are links to related blog posts, or articles, and any CTA. All of these elements must be input by the Editor.  

The Use of AI Tools and Knowledge of Prompt Engineering

While it is true that AI tools can research and generate content much quicker than a human, it is missing a number of key elements when it comes to digital marketing. The top of these include writing that is on-brand, writing that speaks to and reaches your target market, writing that is fresh and creative, and writing that is SEO effective.  

While C1M uses AI tools, we use them in conjunction with our experienced editors to create content that creates brand presence, produces leads, and generates actions for our clients. At C1M we are focused on proper prompt engineering to achieve the greatest results from the AI tools.  

The skill of directing an AI tool is as important as the skill of writing proper sentences and creating articles that provide useful information while being engaging, creative, and effective for marketing purposes. 

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