
10 Digital Marketing Services to Help Your Business Grow

10 Digital Marketing Services We Use to Help Your Business Grow
June 23, 2021

Your digital presence should be one of the most important factors considered in your business plan. More and more companies are making the shift towards online platforms and services to help grow their business. Maybe you are a small business owner, and you have already created your own website, providing product information and contact details. Is this enough? Or a good use of your time? Did you know that digital marketing services can help your business grow?


At Content First Marketing, we are a digital marketing agency with years of experience in content marketing, SEO services, and advertising strategies. Let us help you implement a successful digital marketing strategy using 10 proven digital marketing services to help businesses like yours grow online. Digital marketing services are accessible and affordable for small businesses. And they allow you to reach a much wider audience outside of your local target audience and who have a real interest in your products and services.


10 Digital Marketing Services to Help You Succeed

The key to your digital marketing success is creating an effective nurture funnel—one where your leads convert into customers. At Content First Marketing, our digital marketing services encompass all the necessary steps of this vital cycle to nurture your leads into paying and returning customers. Read on to find out how.


1.   Web Design

Your website is the face of your business, and first impressions really count. With over two million retailers online in 2021, there is an overwhelming amount of competition. So how do you stand out from the crowd?


That’s where our digital marketing experts come in. We know how important it is to create an aesthetically pleasing yet user-friendly website that provides a pleasing and professional experience.


The user experience is a key factor in converting leads. When a website is difficult to use, and product pages are more than three clicks away, you lose the user’s attention, and they bounce off the page and onto another site. The trick is to maintain their attention with easy and accessible features, both on mobile and desktop.


Therefore, the user is the most important person and should heavily influence your web design.  At Content First, our team of experts will build a functional web design, focusing on the most important page of your site: the homepage.


To convert leads into customers, you must showcase on your homepage and throughout your website what you can do for them. What will happen if they don’t purchase your product or service? By highlighting this throughout your site, with the use of compelling content, relatable imagery, and enticing CTAs, you will engage the users rather than bombarding them with too much information.


2.    Keyword Research

After optimizing your web design, it’s time to focus on optimizing your content and creating an SEO strategy. Keyword research gives you an insight into what your target audience is searching for and the questions they are asking. This research can create an array of content ideas that will provide your target audience with the answers and information they seek.


Keyword research analyzes search terms that users enter into search engines, like Google or Bing. You can use many tools to carry out this research, such as Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Keywords Everywhere, and the Google search bar. By researching which keywords and related phrases have a high search volume but low keyword difficulty, you can develop an effective content strategy. Throughout this post, you will see how important this digital marketing service truly is.


Once you have completed your keyword research, you can collate a list of topics surrounding these keywords and long-tailed phrases and incorporate these into your SEO and overall digital marketing strategy. With these topics, you can create fresh and relevant content in blogs, emails, and social media posts.

Keyword research takes time and should be done frequently to ensure your content is up to date. At Content First Marketing, we have a team of experts who dedicate themselves to this intricate and crucial digital marketing service so that you can spend time running your business.


3.    Local SEO

We believe that local SEO is essential for the success of small businesses. Your website may be functional and accessible, but if you aren’t capturing local traffic who wants to visit your business, you miss out on a lot of conversions.


The most important step to optimizing your local SEO is to set up a Google My Business page. Google is undoubtedly the ruler of local search, and it’s vital that you appear in the Google Search and Google Maps results.

This is a free tool accessible to all businesses, and you can customize your page to include your contact details, opening hours, website URL, photos, and reviews. This is one of the easiest ways to convert a lead into a sale, as those who are searching for a product or service near them are more than likely at the top of your marketing funnel and ready to make a purchase.


Another way to optimize your local SEO is to create compelling local content so that you dominate the local search results within your industry. To do this, you can promote local industry events, educational content, locally-focused topics; or write spotlights on local leaders and employees in your industry. This is where keyword research comes in and can help you create an effective local SEO strategy.


4.    Online Reputation Management

Your online reputation is as important as your online first impression. You may win users’ attention on your website. Still, if they come to find a selection of negative reviews and unhelpful responses on Google or Facebook, they most likely will not continue their journey with you.


Online reputation management allows you to gather positive reviews from previous clients, counteract the damage from negative feedback, and in turn balancing your online reputation. Managing your online reputation should be a part of your overall digital marketing strategy.


To protect your reputation, we first recommend you to include testimonials from satisfied customers on your website to reassure users that they should purchase your products or services. Secondly, you should interact with your customers on your social media profiles and respond to their comments and reviews quickly and professionally.


Don’t be afraid of negative comments but don’t challenge them. Be understanding but not apologetic, as this is an admission of fault. Be open to improving and providing a better service in the future so that prospective clients can see that you’re proactive to constructive criticism.


Of course, there are other ways to protect your online reputation, and it can be a big task but a critical one for the growth of your business. Let Content First Marketing manage your online reputation and optimize your positive content, so your website basks in glory in the search results.


5. SEO Best Practices

SEO is a huge topic and covers a wide range of elements that must all be included in your SEO strategy. Talk with the digital marketing experts at Content First Marketing about implementing a solid SEO strategy using proven SEO techniques.


So, where do you begin? SEO can be broken down into three sections: On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO. Within each of these pillars, there are best practices to follow in order to achieve an effective digital marketing campaign.


On-page SEO

This is optimizing the content and elements that appear on your page. You ideally want to optimize all of your web pages, focusing on page speed and good quality content. If you optimize your on-page elements, you give yourself a head start in optimizing your off-page SEO.


To do this, you need to create informative, easy-to-read, and relevant content. Your content must include the right keywords that your audience is searching for. Google will read your text, and if deemed relevant and offers expertise, it will rank your page higher. Ensure the keywords are distributed evenly throughout the entire text and used in subheadings, page titles, image alt descriptions, page URLs, and meta descriptions.


Off-Page SEO

This entails link building, social media sharing, and local SEO — in other words, generating traffic to your site. By writing top-quality, trusted content, you are creating something worth sharing. In addition, having links pointing to your page shows Google how valuable your content is, which increases your position in the organic search results.


Of course, you don’t want just any links directing to your site. They need to be from high authority pages and send good quality and relevant visitors to your site. Our Content First Marketing experts can advise you on what makes a high authority page, so you are reaching out to the best websites.


Technical SEO

Optimizing for technical SEO includes making the website faster and easy to crawl. In addition, it focuses on improving the elements on your website, similar to on-page SEO. It’s important to optimize your site technically because Google and other search engines want to provide their users the best results for their queries.


Google’s robots crawl web pages and evaluate them on several factors. By improving technical aspects, you are helping Google get a full understanding of what the page is about to determine its relevancy to the search query.




Download this free report on the top 10 ways to nurture and close B2B sales leads and successfully convert prospects into paying customers.


6. Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC is one of the most common forms of advertising on the internet. You only pay for the ad when a lead interacts with your ad by clicking on it. This means that you are only paying for people who are showing interest and intent in purchasing. It’s a form of advertising that attracts leads to your site that is very likely to convert.


If you need quick leads, PPC campaigns are fast and effective, depending on the quality of your keywords. At Content First Marketing, our PPC experts can manage your PPC Campaigns while you watch your business grow. Our PPC team will create and adjust goals, research, and bid for new keywords; optimize conversion paths; carry out split testing; and modify the PPC campaign to reach your goals, all within your ad budget.


If PPC ads are done wrong, it could cost you twice, and you could end up paying for ads that don’t work. So it’s vital to create effective ads that stand out from your competitors, using the correct keywords with high search volume and low-to-mid difficulty. Then, let our experts manage your PPC campaigns to take a load off your plate and ultimately save you time.


7. Reputation Management

Another digital marketing service that we offer at Content First Marketing is helping small businesses collate positive feedback through an automated system. So we can help you get those glowing reviews from your satisfied customers the digital air-time they deserve.


As part of this service, we set up an automated system that collects feedback for you and asks customers who have had a positive experience to leave you an online review. These are then updated on your homepage, so other users feel confident in using your services. So watch as your online reputation grows while we constantly review and implement our growth strategy.


Community management of your social media profiles is also a digital marketing service we provide. Having a social media presence shows that you are an engaged brand. It also allows you to reach huge numbers of customers and create potential leads worldwide.


Our social media experts make sure that your business is on the right platform and share authentic content that speaks to your audience. You can do this right without running expensive ad campaigns, and customers will keep coming back as they feel connected to you, your brand, and the products you sell.


8. Digital Analytics

Who is checking to see how your website is performing? How do you know if your content is converting? Your digital presence needs a dedicated team to analyze the running of your website and ensure it is secure.


The Content First Marketing website management team continually tests and identifies any potential issues before affecting your site. In addition, our server, Amazon Web Services, maintains a 99.999% uptime rating.


We also monitor conversion rate optimization (CRO), a critical measure of your digital marketing success. By implementing each of the digital marketing services outlined in this post, measuring the CRO will show you the effectiveness of these services and where there is room for improvement.


To calculate your CRO, you can use this formula: Leads Generated ÷ Website Traffic x 100 = Conversion Rate %. Our team analyzes your pages to see how we can increase your CRO. Get the data-driven results you want while you have time to run the business you’ve worked hard to build.


9. Role of Social Media Marketing

With the variety of social media platforms available today, it can be daunting to choose which one is the right fit for your business. Marketing on social media platforms is an easy way to promote your business and increase brand awareness. You can connect with your customers and prospects in an environment where they naturally spend a lot of their time. It’s crucial to build a social media strategy that is tailored to each platform, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution.


A variety of social media post ideas are proven to encourage the best engagement and reactions. For example, take your existing content and repurpose it for social media, saving you time and reaching a new audience. Or get your followers to create the content for you through hashtag campaigns, such as how to use your product.


10. Lead Nurturing Strategy

Finally, you’ve implemented these digital marketing techniques, and you have new leads. What do you do next? You want to nurture them into buyers and keep them informed about how your business can continue to serve them. Email marketing is an effective and sustainable way to reach out to your customers and prospects with customizable and personalized content.


The email list is yours — use it wisely, and you will continue to see customers returning and engaging with your website. It is extremely important to create an effective campaign, or you will lose those leads. Content First Marketing will work with you to deliver a successful email campaign that is personalized to your products and services, as well as your target audience. We will create a thoughtful strategy and implement the best types of email campaigns that we know will work with your business and email list.


We Can Help You With Our Digital Marketing Services

Schedule a free business review today to find out how we can help your business grow. Then, you can use these insights into digital marketing services for inspiration, and let us do the marketing for you.

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